When to Consider Unlimited Backup in Office 365

Post Date: 08/03/2018
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Want to learn more about cloud backup? Check out our webinar, Office 365 Backup: What You Need to Know for Backup in the Cloud! Learn more about AvePoint’s backup offers and solutions!

Here at AvePoint, we offer an unlimited Office 365 backup solution that isn’t based off the one-size-fits-all model.

Apart from backing up core Office 365 services: Exchange Online, OneDrive, SharePoint Online, Project Online, Office 365 Groups, Microsoft Teams, we make sure that our unlimited backup options will fit any organization’s needs by providing two comprehensive options.

To use a delicious ice cream analogy:

  • You can buy a gallon of ice cream and share it with as many friends as you can get to come to your party
  • You can bring 5 friends and ensure they can eat as much ice cream as they want!

Not to worry though, the story will be the same for both options; you can grow as much as you need without worrying about support loss or unwanted overage fees. Let’s dive into the details.

Unlimited-User License Backup

This version, license-based unlimited backup, is best fit for organizations that do not have a predictable workforce. Some examples of these types of organizations would include contracting companies, retail companies, and universities.

We support growing as you grow – if you’re protecting 100 TB of Office 365 TB today, that’s all you need to pay regardless of how you scale up or scale down users. For example, if you’re a university that is looking to target just faculty and exclude students– you can absolutely do that with this model since you never pay for content that is outside the scope of your backup plan.

unlimited backup

Our Dynamic Object Registration ensures you’re always able to back-up only what’s needed for your organization, whether by business unit, type of user, title, position, or any other metadata. There’s no need to manually manage a set of approved users, we can dynamically protect any growing or shrinking set of user content based on their Azure AD properties!

Organizational-Based Unlimited Backup

For our organizational-based unlimited backup solution, we offer organizations who have a predictable workforce the traditional option to have as much storage and backup as they want, for a set number of users.

Choosing an unlimited backup option means you can now grow your business unhindered. Click To Tweet

The type of organization that would benefit from this would be an organization that has a consistent workforce, such as AvePoint. We have very predictable employment levels and are producing content all the time so having an unlimited backup plan for all our needs is very important. You can take advantage of this offering for your organization too!

Why Unlimited Backup over Storage-Based Backup?

Some readers may be thinking, “but why buy all you can eat when you can just pick and choose what you want with storage-based back up?” The answer to this is simple. If your business is dynamic and scaling all the time you will get nickeled and dimed on all overage fees with a storage-based backup option from another provider.

Not only that, but you will also have to deal with procurement and audits to accommodate for growing with other competitor’s storage-based options. Choosing an unlimited backup option means you can now grow your business unhindered. You can set it and forget it. Cloud backup is our No. 1 selling product and we need to differentiate ourselves as best we can, hence these updates.

Want to learn more about backup for Office 365? Download our FREE Office 365 Backup Handbook!

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John Hodges is Senior Vice President of Product Strategy at AvePoint, focusing on developing compliance solutions that address modern data privacy, classification, and data protection needs for organizations worldwide. Since joining AvePoint in 2008, John has worked directly with the company’s product management and research & development teams to cultivate creative ideas and bridge the gap between sales and technology – providing a practical target for innovation and a focused message for sales and marketing. John has been actively engaged in the SharePoint community for several years, working with many Fortune 500 companies to drive sustainable adoption of Microsoft technology and optimize SharePoint’s larger purpose-built implementations. John’s insights and opinions on modern Information Technology can be found in various industry publications, as well as throughout this numerous speaking sessions in webinars and at events worldwide.

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