What’s Next for the Hybrid Office? [Infographic]

Post Date: 06/04/2021
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As more employees return to an in-person workplace, many are asking: What now?

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended traditional ways of doing business. Plenty of positive changes, from flexible hours to increased use of collaboration tools, will remain a way of life in some form.

There’s no question that a hybrid office arrangement — that is, time split between remote work and a traditional office — is poised to be far more than a perk. Done right, the setup could have long-term effects on budgets, safety, and worker satisfaction.

Most employees (3 in 4) want permanent flexible work options as offices reopen, according to an Edelman study commissioned by Microsoft. And an AvePoint survey conducted in May via LinkedIn and Twitter found that one-third of organizations plan to offer a hybrid office setup starting in July.

The bigger question is what that hybrid office model might look like.

Every organization will have its own plan, but here’s a general look at how leaders are adapting — and what employees say they need to make it work.

hybrid officehybrid officehybrid officehybrid officehybrid office

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Kevin is AvePoint's former Senior Content Marketing Manager.

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