Purdue Pharma Improves IT Efficiency and Supports Microsoft Office 365 Users with AvePoint Online Services

Find out how Purdue Pharma improved data recovery and automated enforcement of compliance and governance policies using AvePoint Online Services.

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SILOG Completes Full Fidelity Migration to Microsoft Office 365 and Boosts Efficiency Managing Hybrid SharePoint® Environment with DocAve

Find out how SILOG reduced its expected migration project time by 83 percent using DocAve.

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Waterleidingmaatschappij Drenthe Synchronizes Content across Microsoft SharePoint Farms and Ensures No Data Loss with DocAve

Learn how this energy and utilities customer ensured zero downtime during its SharePoint migration using DocAve's synchronization capabilities.

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Waterleidingmaatschappij Drenthe
  • PLATTFORM SharePoint 2010

COMPAREX realisiert schnelle und detailgetreue Microsoft SharePoint-Migration für Sächsische Informatik Dienste mit DocAve®

Erfahren Sie, wie Comparex die Sächsiche Informatik Dienste (SID) dabei unterstüzt hat fristgerecht und ohne Zwischenschritt direkt von SharePoint 2007 zu SharePoint 2013 zu migrieren.

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PHOENIX group IT vereinfacht Microsoft® SharePoint®- Management, -Reporting und -Backup mit DocAve®

Erfahren Sie, wie PHOENIX group IT alle Metadaten während der Übertragung der Inhalte zwischen den SharePoint-Farmen erhält, Reports zu Berechtigungsänderungen und SharePoint-Auslastung für bessere SharePoint-Auditing-Möglichkeiten einfach erstellt und Inhalte auf Elementebene granular wiederherstellt.

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Univé Regio+ Optimizes Microsoft SharePoint Storage and Improves Performance with Xblox B.V./Docubird Solutions and DocAve

Find out how Univé Regio+ saved time and money by automatically externalizing 10TB of SharePoint content to external storage.

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  • PLATTFORM SharePoint 2010

Moran Environmental Cuts Microsoft Exchange Online and OneDrive for Business Backup Costs by 75% with AvePoint Online Services

Find out how Moran Environmental Recovery reduced Office 365 backup costs by 75 percent and increased IT efficiency with the ability to schedule automated backup jobs.

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Moran Environmental Recovery
  • PLATTFORM Microsoft Exchange Online, Microsoft 365
  • LÖSUNGENCloud Backup

Spitäler fmi kopiert mit DocAve® 200 Microsoft® SharePoint®-Sites ohne Datenverlust und spart dabei 50 Arbeitsstunden

Erfahren Sie, wie Spitäler fmi bei der Einrichtung neuer SharePoint-Sites 50 Arbeitsstunden spart, SharePoint-Inhalte bei voller Datenintegrität kopiert und neu organisiert und SharePoint-Inhalten auf allen Ebenen ohne Datenverlust schnell wiederherstellt.

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Spitäler fmi

Sopra Steria Simplifies SharePoint Site Provisioning and Enforces Governance for 38,000 Microsoft SharePoint Users with DocAve Governance Automation

Find out how Sopra Steria empowered its users to easily provision SharePoint sites that fall within organizational governance policies.

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Sopra Steria

Assumption High School Completes Full Fidelity Migration to Microsoft Office 365 – SharePoint Online on Schedule with AvePoint Client Services

Learn how Assumption High School reduced the burden on its IT team to migrate to Office 365 without losing any data.

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Assumption High School
  • PLATTFORM SharePoint 2013, SharePoint Online
  • LÖSUNGENMigration