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Nicole Caci
Tel: +1 201-201-8143
Email: nicole.caci@avepoint.com

AvePoint Focuses on TRIM Market; Lands a 60 TB Data Migration

This marks the development of a TRIM migration product as AvePoint extends its capabilities to address customer challenges with migrations from legacy systems to Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Office 365.

Melbourne, Australia – February 28, 2018 – AvePoint, a leader in Office 365 on-premises, hybrid and cloud migrations, is now offering HPE Content Manager (formerly HPE Records Manager, HP TRIM) migration to SharePoint and Microsoft Office 365. AvePoint will work with Australian partner organisations to deliver large-scale TRIM migrations, as well as other legacy systems, to SharePoint and Microsoft Office 365.

The offering is in response to a directive from the Feasibility Study into a Whole of Government Digital Records Management Solution led by the Australian Government Department of Finance, to discontinue investing in legacy systems that are no longer innovating. One of the key findings in the Study states that to effectively manage exponential growth of government data, “Recordkeeping should happen automatically in the background, rather than being the responsibility of end-users.” Data migration is a vital step in an organisation’s digital transformation. This complements the Secure Cloud Strategy set by the Digital Transformation Agency with its push for government agencies.

“We are thrilled to offer the TRIM migration service, which directly fulfills a need for a number of agencies,” said Blair Hainsworth, AvePoint Managing Director, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. “From government to the enterprise, over the last 5+ years we’ve handled some of the most complex cloud migration and digital transformation projects in Australia and around the world. Our experience and capability in the Office 365 migration space for complex legacy systems is unparalleled, we know the landscape and can serve in an advisory or full-service role.”

In the last 12 months AvePoint has signed deals for multiple TRIM migrations, but it was a recent greenlighting of a 60 TB TRIM project that lead AvePoint to formally focus on the TRIM market. “For a long time, our partners and clients have known that we can migrate from any legacy system to Office 365, however this deal has lead us to formally offer this service to the market, and to begin development on a TRIM migration product for release in the back half of 2018.” Said Mr. Hainsworth. 

Adrian Motherway, Microsoft Government Industry Lead added, “The Australian Government and Private Sector have embraced Microsoft for their Cloud and Modern Workplace transformations. Previously, exiting legacy systems had been seen as a challenge, however to see AvePoint, a Microsoft partner with such a great track record in migration locally and globally, put significant resources into this area, is a win for our joint customers.”

Visit the AvePoint website to learn more about its migration products and services, and records management capabilities.

Über AvePoint

AvePoint ermöglicht seinen Kunden eine vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit. Die Datenmanagement-Lösungen von AvePoint helfen dem umfangreichen, globalen Kundenstamm, komplexe Transformations-, Governance- und Compliance-Herausforderungen in der Microsoft-Cloud zu bewältigen. Als fünffacher Gewinner der Auszeichnung „Global Microsoft Partner of the Year" bietet AvePoint die einzige vollständige Suite von SaaS-Lösungen zur Migration, Verwaltung und zum Schutz von Daten in Microsoft 365.

Mehr als 9 Millionen Cloud-Anwender vertrauen auf unsere Lösungen, um die Produktivität, Compliance und Sicherheit ihrer Unternehmen zu verbessern. Die SaaS-Lösungen von AvePoint stehen auch Managed Service Providern zur Verfügung, damit diese ihre kleinen und mittelständischen Geschäftskunden besser unterstützen und managen können. Die Multi-Tenant-Lösungen von AvePoint sind bei über einem Dutzend Distributoren in mehr als 100 Cloud-Marktplätzen weltweit erhältlich.

AvePoint wurde im Jahr 2001 gegründet und hat seinen Hauptsitz in Jersey City, New Jersey. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

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