AvePoint Media Contact

Nicole Caci
Tel: +1 201-201-8143
Email: nicole.caci@avepoint.com


AvePoint Wins at the 30th Annual ChamberRVA Impact Awards

AvePoint recognized for its impact on the Richmond economy, community and employees

Richmond, VA – November 17, 2017AvePoint, a leader in the migration, management and protection of Office 365 and SharePoint data, was honored with the ChamberRVA Impact Award on Wednesday at the Richmond Marriott among roughly 300 Central Virginia business leaders.

“It is an honor to be chosen out of a number of thriving, well-deserving companies in Richmond. We were in great company,” said Brian Brown, AvePoint Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel. “It is rewarding to know that we’ve made an impact on a city that is now our operational headquarters. In two years, we’ve grown from three employees to more than 70 and are on track to reach 100 employees in 2018. With the top-notch talent that we’ve found in Richmond, we will continue to do our part as a company to help the city remain an attractive location to live, work and play.”

AvePoint opened its Richmond office in April 2017 with a ribbon-cutting ceremony that included Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam and Mayor Levar Stoney. As a gift to the city, AvePoint donated use of its AvePoint Citizen Services software over a three-year span, which is valued at $1 million dollars. AvePoint Citizen Services automates case management and incident reporting for government agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

For more information on how AvePoint helps organizations transition to the Microsoft cloud, and satisfy governance and compliance objectives, please visit our website.

Über AvePoint

AvePoint ermöglicht seinen Kunden eine vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit. Die Datenmanagement-Lösungen von AvePoint helfen dem umfangreichen, globalen Kundenstamm, komplexe Transformations-, Governance- und Compliance-Herausforderungen in der Microsoft-Cloud zu bewältigen. Als fünffacher Gewinner der Auszeichnung „Global Microsoft Partner of the Year" bietet AvePoint die einzige vollständige Suite von SaaS-Lösungen zur Migration, Verwaltung und zum Schutz von Daten in Microsoft 365.

Mehr als 9 Millionen Cloud-Anwender vertrauen auf unsere Lösungen, um die Produktivität, Compliance und Sicherheit ihrer Unternehmen zu verbessern. Die SaaS-Lösungen von AvePoint stehen auch Managed Service Providern zur Verfügung, damit diese ihre kleinen und mittelständischen Geschäftskunden besser unterstützen und managen können. Die Multi-Tenant-Lösungen von AvePoint sind bei über einem Dutzend Distributoren in mehr als 100 Cloud-Marktplätzen weltweit erhältlich.

AvePoint wurde im Jahr 2001 gegründet und hat seinen Hauptsitz in Jersey City, New Jersey. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

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