AvePoint Media Contact

Nicole Caci
Tel: +1 201-201-8143
Email: nicole.caci@avepoint.com

AvePoint Wins Microsoft Singapore Partner of the Year 2020

Singapore, 13 July 2020— Today AvePoint announced it has won the Microsoft 2020 Country/Region Partner of the Year for Singapore Modern Workplace award.

The company was honoured among a community of top Microsoft partners for substantial growth in customer base, driving customer impact with Microsoft Cloud offerings and effective engagement with the local Microsoft office.

AvePoint developed five solutions on Microsoft’s modern workplace cloud including a learning management system (LMS); document management system (DMS); Office 365 and SharePoint intranet portal; Groups and Teams governance solution; and a case management system. These solutions are integrated with Microsoft technologies, allowing more than 150 Singaporean organizations across critical industries such as finance, education, and government, to realize additional value from their Microsoft investments.

A dedicated Microsoft partner since 2001, AvePoint has been involved in some of the largest and most complex modern workplace implementations in Singapore. As a result, AvePoint has become the top IP co-sell partner in Singapore and APAC. AvePoint Singapore also continues to innovate with their Microsoft Teams Sustainable Adoption Workshops series integrating Adoption Change Management Practices to help customers efficiently achieve their adoption and transformation goals.

“This award is special because I believe it not only validates our longstanding position as the leading Microsoft partner in Singapore, but it also validates the innovation we are bringing to the higher education space” said Tianyi (TJ) Jiang, co-CEO, AvePoint. “We have recently been named an essential service by the Singapore government and brought significant value to institutes of higher learning with new technologies and approaches for learning management, exam assessment and alumni/student management systems based on the Microsoft Cloud.”

“This win is highly commendable amid tough competition. It is evident of AvePoint’s impact and industry leadership here in Singapore,” said Kevin Woo, Managing Director, Microsoft Singapore. “[AvePoint has] been instrumental in helping us realize our mission to empower organizations and individuals to achieve more – from anchoring customers’ digital transformation journey with Dynamics 365 and Microsoft 365 to supporting the community during the COVID-19 pandemic through your #WFHReady kit which integrates Microsoft Teams.”

Über AvePoint

AvePoint ermöglicht seinen Kunden eine vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit. Die Datenmanagement-Lösungen von AvePoint helfen dem umfangreichen, globalen Kundenstamm, komplexe Transformations-, Governance- und Compliance-Herausforderungen in der Microsoft-Cloud zu bewältigen. Als fünffacher Gewinner der Auszeichnung „Global Microsoft Partner of the Year" bietet AvePoint die einzige vollständige Suite von SaaS-Lösungen zur Migration, Verwaltung und zum Schutz von Daten in Microsoft 365.

Mehr als 9 Millionen Cloud-Anwender vertrauen auf unsere Lösungen, um die Produktivität, Compliance und Sicherheit ihrer Unternehmen zu verbessern. Die SaaS-Lösungen von AvePoint stehen auch Managed Service Providern zur Verfügung, damit diese ihre kleinen und mittelständischen Geschäftskunden besser unterstützen und managen können. Die Multi-Tenant-Lösungen von AvePoint sind bei über einem Dutzend Distributoren in mehr als 100 Cloud-Marktplätzen weltweit erhältlich.

AvePoint wurde im Jahr 2001 gegründet und hat seinen Hauptsitz in Jersey City, New Jersey. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

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