Mitigating Collaboration Risk Workbook

Learn how to build actionable plans to mitigate risk in Office 365 or any other collaboration workspace your organization uses.

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Mitigating collaboration risk

Identify common security concerns and how to avoid it

As with anything of value, information is not risk free. The collection, storage, access, usage, and disposal of information is a breeding ground of risk. And as we have seen in recent events, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment.

Organizations need to leverage a prescriptive, repeatable, and mathematical approach to risk management. Using such an approach to quantify and mitigate risk demonstrates intentional corporate action to deal responsibly with risk, which can soften the hard edge of legal and regulatory action.

This eBook provides an in-depth analysis of what organizations need to be mindful of when it comes to their collaboration and how to build a mitigation plan to ensure their information is secure.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: How to Think About Information Risk

  • Chapter 2: How to Measure and Prioritize Risk

  • Chapter 3: Common Information Risks You Need to Mitigate

  • Chapter 4: Build Your Mitigation Action Plan

  • Chapter 5: Tools That Can Help You

  • Chapter 6: Conclusion

Get a peek at what's inside!

  • Chapter 2: How to Measure and Prioritize Risk

    Risks are many and varied in nature, and the severity of different risks becoming a reality is no different. In order to initiate informed action to mitigate information risks, we need a structured approach for measurement and prioritization and monetization. Speculative, back-of-the-envelope approaches won’t inspire the necessary confidence among decision-makers.

  • Chapter 3: Common Information Risks You Need to Mitigate

    Apart from the baseline storage of such data in shadow IT services, a related risk (of shadow IT) is misconfigurations or security vulnerabilities in cloud services that permit unauthorized access and breach.


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