AIIM Industry Watch Report

Mastering Your Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Investment: Moving from Rapid Adoption to Sensible Maturity

Download this Industry Watch Report from AIIM to learn more about the changing role of Microsoft 365 in collaboration and knowledge management.

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Avepoint iw ms365 shareoint 2020

Leverage effective information management for long-term success

The Enterprise Content Management (ECM) market has evolved into two distinct sets of capabilities - collaborative and transactional content services. This split is important to note when thinking about the changing role of Microsoft 365 within organizations, how it is governed, and how it connects with other content management solutions.

This report combines key data points that describe the current state of M365 adoption and implementation with insightful analysis of those data points and real-life perspectives by AIIM's Expert Panel. The analysis is organized into five key recommendations, designed to help organizations better understand how to master their M365 and SharePoint investment.

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  • The top Records Management challenge in M365 for users (42%) is information chaos: “Records are everywhere – Information volume and variety expanding too quickly.

  • Nearly 60% of COVID-prepared organizations say their average knowledge worker is knowledgeable about Microsoft Teams capabilities vs. only 22% at unprepared organizations.

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