De AvePoint oplossing
Ultimately, the county came up with a win-win solution – web specialists were no longer the sole party responsible for making website updates, and content owners were empowered to publish the changes themselves. The county set up two parallel environments, one the “author” site collection and the other public-facing. “The author site collection is where our users can manage website content,” Murray said. “It mirrors our public site collection, so our users can navigate pages the same way and make any changes they need to. We set it up so anyone with knowledge of Microsoft Word or a hyperlink can go into the author site collection and edit page content. Now hundreds of employees can use this, and need very little training.”
The key to this solution is DocAve Software, AvePoint’s fully integrated solution for SharePoint management. Specifically, DocAve Replicator allows the county’s users to automatically synchronize changes from author site collection to the live website. “We looked at two SharePoint replication solutions available on the market, but ultimately DocAve was easier to install and worked right away,” Murray said. “With DocAve, whenever we make a change in an author site, that change is automatically replicated to our website, which is a much more efficient system than what we had before.”
With 1,100 users and 4,000 webpages, web specialist requests could really add up for the county. Between submitting and responding to these requests, both the web specialists and content owners were spending hundreds of hours per year updating the website. With DocAve, content owners have the ability to directly apply changes to information they’re very close to. “Typically, users request smaller changes related to documents and content,” Murray said. “Now, it’s easy for content owners to make these changes themselves in the author site, and DocAve publishes them to the live site. We only get bigger requests like creating or deleting a page once in a while, so we can assign those to a select few who have a higher skill set. This is much more efficient and saves us time.”
With DocAve, the county also shortens time it takes to publish any changes. Instead of submitting a ticket, waiting for web specialists to respond, DocAve Replicator allows for real-time replication from site collection to site collection, urgent and even non-urgent updates can be pushed out immediately. For some departments, this is crucial. For others, it’s necessary to run proposed changes through an approval process. DocAve offers IT the flexibility to offer both options. “Most of our departments will want to update their pages immediately,” Murray said. “Others, like the Department of Public Health – where matters can be life or death – will want to be more careful before posting. With DocAve, content owners have the flexibility to choose either option. On the IT side, we can also set up rules like limiting replication to once every half hour.”