Best Practices For Group and Microsoft Teams Policies in Cloud Governance

See common policies for different types of workspaces and use cases (Presentation in English)

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Best practices groups teams policies cloud governance

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Ron Delaney

Training and Development Manager, AvePoint

Tom Gawczynski

Vice President, Solution Engineering, AvePoint

Tailored To Fit Every Teams' Needs

Organizations can set policies for the provisioning, management and end-of-life of different workspaces in Microsoft 365, including Groups and Microsoft Teams.

Even better, these policies can be enforced automatically making the collaboration environment more secure and saving administrators’ time.

In this 30 minute virtual lab, our experts will walk you through the basics of Group and Team policy creation from inactivity thresholds and lease management to recertification and quota thresholds.

We will then walk-through different policy configurations AvePoint customers have developed for common types of Microsoft Teams including Teams that are:

  • Sensitive Internal
  • Non-sensitive Internal
  • Sensitive External
  • Non-sensitive External
governancemicrosoft teams

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