Safeguard Your Microsoft 365 Data

Elevated Ransomware Detection in Cloud Backup (Presentation in English)

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Safeguard your m365 data

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Ron Delaney

Training and Development Manager, AvePoint

Tom Gawczynski

Vice President, Solution Engineering, AvePoint

Ransomware attacks are on the rise and becoming one of the top security threats for organizations.

Unlike other types of cyber-attacks where the goals could be related to data destruction or data exfiltration, a ransomware attack is unique in that its process is reversible: after paying a ransom, the victim should be able to decrypt the data.

In this Virtual Lab, join Ron Delaney and Tom Gawczynski as they discuss how Cloud Backup for M365’s new machine-learning-based ransomware attack detection and long-term immutable backups help you ensure organizational business continuity.

We'll cover:

  • How AvePoint Cloud Backup for M365 reports on suspected ransomware attacks
  • What to do if you believe you’re under attack
  • AvePoint's NEW Ransomware Warranty
BackupData SecurityRansomware

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