A Masterclass in Teams Tenant to Tenant Migration
AvePoint’s new API capabilities bring your Teams chats and channels with you as move.
(Presentation in English)

Evenementen informatie
- 30 Minutes

Training and Development Manager, AvePoint

Vice President, Solution Engineering, AvePoint
M365 migration is soaring to new heights
Microsoft 365 Tenant to Tenant migration is more popular now than ever, but when it comes to making a migration plan for Teams, we tend to focus on, well, the Teams! Teams are where most of your organized collaboration takes place, so of course, you need to make sure everything migrates to the new Tenant the way your users need. But let’s not forget a critical area of business collaboration: team chats.
To date, chat migration hasn’t been possible due to API limitations, but that’s changed, and AvePoint’s got you covered. Join us for this 30-minute discussion during which we’ll showcase our cloud-hosted migration solution, AvePoint Fly, with emphasis on our new Teams Chat migration capabilities.
We will go over:
- Connecting Fly to your M365 Tenants
- Creating a Migration Project
- Expected chat migration results
- And more!