Viva, Teams, Loop, & SharePoint: The New and Exciting Features

A ton of new features dropped at Ignite. Our panel will cover Mesh, Shared Channels/Teams Connect, Viva general availability and more! (Presentation in English)

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Viva teams loop sharepoint new features

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Christian Buckley

Microsoft GTM Director, AvePoint | Microsoft Regional Director + Office Apps & Services MVP

John "Jay" Leask, PMP

Principal Solution Engineer, AvePoint Public Sector

Cathy Dew

Senior Program Manager, Microsoft

Understand Which Updates Have The Biggest Impact

So many new updates and announcements were made at Ignite it can be hard to keep track of them all. And, as is the case with all new features, its important to prioritize the impactful over the interesting.

Our expert panel of Microsoft MVPs, regional directors and collaboration experts will review, demonstrate, discuss and highlight use cases for the updates you need to know. Including:

  • How Shared Channels/Teams Connect will revolutionize external sharing
  • Why Microsoft Loop is the next breakthrough Office app for collaboration
  • Mesh for Microsoft Teams and the use cases for mixed reality
  • Updates across Microsoft Team Rooms, chat and webinars
  • What Viva general availability means for you and how to get started with Topics and Insights to improve organization wide knowledge management
  • The expansion of SharePoint Syntex and AI in M365
  • And more!
microsoft teamsSharePoint

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