
A Comprehensive Exam System for Everyone

Making the transition to hybrid assessments? No need to panic. Examena enables a secure, intuitive, and online testing experience for learners and administrators. Proctoring and grading has never been easier, whether it’s for open or closed book, virtual or hybrid exams. Plus, all learners get a trusted, consistent and intuitive experience – even on their own device.

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Assessment Administrators

  • Save time and money with workflows that boost productivity.
  • Easily schedule and craft exams collaboratively with our AI quiz generator.
  • AI-powered Proctoring relieves administration burden.
  • Mark exams with built in integrity tools e.g. Turnitin.
  • Publish results seamlessly with ready integrations to LMS like Blackboard, Moodle & Canvas.
Transform citizen services


  • Reduce exam anxiety with our step by step online assessment orientation.
  • Intuitive exam dashboard with flexible UI navigation.
  • Live communication channels with proctors during remote exams.
  • Alerts and notifications to guide you through the exam.
  • View results online as they’re available.
Powered by Maiven Point

Powered by MaivenPoint

MaivenPoint provides SaaS solutions that drive learning and institutional success. From undergraduates to working professionals looking to deepen skillsets or make a mid-career switch, MaivenPoint has inspired millions of people to achieve their personal and professional aspirations. MaivenPoint empowers collaborative learning for your learning ecosystems, whether its foreducation institutes, academies, professional certification bodies, or public sector agencies.

Schedule and plan exams seamlessly

Schedule and Plan Exams Seamlessly

Prepare and organize exams in a short time. Quickly group and admit students for exams. Create schedules, coordinate exam locations and assign proctors all in one platform.

  • Easy exam creation: Leverage our AI Quiz Generator to quickly churn question and answer pairs from any information source.
  • Planning and scheduling made easy: Automate planning and scheduling based on venue and proctor availability.
  • Staffing & resource management: Ensure your assessment team has real time oversight on all assessment activities, and automatically track honararium for proctors or markers.
  • Whitelisting done right: Choose which applications, sites or materials to allow during exams.
  • Flexibly choose the exam type you want: Set up open- or closed-book exams and hybrid modes using our secured browser or Examena App to conduct trusted exams.
Secure question and paper crafting

Secure Question and Paper Crafting

Create and approve exams with confidence and ease. Register your students for any course exam in no time. Your data is fully encrypted and secure.

  • Versatile questions: Choose from over 10 question types, including multiple choice, essay, matching, ranking and more.
  • Question bank: Make your own questions from scratch, and save them for future use or modification.
  • Quality control: Ensure your exams meet the standards by allowing Department heads or other stakeholders to review and approve exam versions before publishing.
  • Collaborate and delegate: Assign exam module creation to teaching associates or assistants.
  • Learning outcomes alignment: Check the competency or difficulty level of each question and make sure your exam matches the learning objectives.
Intuitive exam experience

Intuitive Exam Experience – Secured in Every Mode

Our platform provides a simple and clear experience for students. It also gives full control to examiners, supervisors, or other exam staff. They can monitor the exam with live proctoring, using either a screen-only or a full 360-degree workspace view.

  • Customized dashboards: User-friendly dashboard for students to navigate the UI flexibly for different question types and communicate with examiners in real time.
  • Compatible with any device, anywhere: BYOD-enabled exam eases exam logistics in online or hybrid exam modes.
  • AI-powered proctoring: Get central oversight into student attendance and progress, and enhance proctoring productivity with AI augmented incident detection during exams.
  • Exam Resilience:: Examena App ensures no answers are lost even when network connectivity is distrupted. Our browser-based exams also support exam orginality, ensuring only whitelisted applications are used during exams. Stay on track: Students can easily track elapsed time and progress across sections and questions.
Easy grading and result publishing

Easy Grading and Result Publishing

With our automatic grading system, you can save time and provide personalized feedback to your students. Analyze their performance on exams, topics and skill levels with in-depth reports. Help them overcome exam stress with digital grade release.

  • Unified marking interface: Access all the data you need on class, exam, question and marking statistics with dynamic dashboards for easy reporting.
  • Distribute to scale: Allocate questions to teaching assistants to grade faster, or use automatic grading.
  • Fairness, always: Conceal student IDs from graders to ensure grading fairness, to eliminate any chance of bias during grade consideration.
  • Grade & publish: Grade on a curve or not, we'll make it easy to evaluate and publish results just the way you need!
  • Built-in feedback: Students will be able to quickly understand where they need the most improvement – based on topic or level of expertise.