Explore the Latest on the Future of Work

Navigating the Rapids: 3 Information Management Lessons from the Seine River Cleanup

As the world gets ready for the Paris Olympics, attention has turned to a massive civil works project related to the games — the Siene River cleanup. In this blog, we’ll look at 3 data and information management lessons from the Siene cleanup project and discuss what they could mean for your organization.

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Your Data is the Engine for AI & Innovation

In the era of powerful AI models like ChatGPT, there's this notion that data may not be as vital as once thought. After all, these models can produce seemingly sophisticated outputs from a simple prompt. But dismissing the value of data would be dangerously misguided.

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Navigating Growth and Scale: Strategies for Leading Through Change

Over the last 20 years of my professional career, I’ve been faced with change and now in many cases lead change efforts. The stakes today have never been higher. Companies are striving to grow and scale amidst economic uncertainty, market shifts, and technological disruptions. Over the course of just a few years, the very nature of how we work is drastically different, leading to workers – whether they’re hybrid, fully remote, or in the office – feeling lonelier than ever.

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Hear from Business Leaders Navigating the Evolving Workplace