AvePoint 主催オンライン カンファレンス #shifthappens APAC、オンデマンド配信中

#shifthappens は、デジタル ワークプレイスに関するカンファレンスです。主に北米・欧州のお客様を対象に開催され、2020 年 6 月に大好評のうちに閉幕したばかりです。

ご好評を受け、豪州・ニュージーランド、シンガポールを中心としたアジア太平洋地域の IT Pro・ビジネス リーダー層を対象に、Business Continuity & Productivity in the Digital Workplace (デジタル ワークプレイスにおける事業継続と生産性) をテーマとして、”ShiftHappens APAC” と題し、3 日間の無料オンライン カンファレンスとして開催いたしました。

各セッションでは、デジタル ワークプレイスの最前線で業務に携わってきたエキスパート陣が、自らの成功・失敗体験から生み出した、Microsoft 365 /SharePoint 投資を最大化するためのベスト プラクティスを共有しました。



佐藤 久

佐藤 久

パートナー事業本部 パートナー技術統括本部
業務執行役員 統括本部長



IT 企画本部・IT 運営企画部
海外 IT コミュニケーション基盤グループ マネジャー


Dr David Kellermann

Dr David Kellermann

Senior Lecturer, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,

Jared Spataro

Jared Spataro

Corporate Vice President,

Professor Annie Koh

Professor Annie Koh

PhD in Finance
V3 Group Professor of Family Entrepreneurship
Vice President, Business Development,
Singapore Management University

Debbie Ireland

Debbie Ireland


Lawrence Ang

Lawrence Ang

Landz Consulting

Vanessa Williams

Kirsty McGrath

Microsoft MVP, Managing Director & Adoption Consultant,
OnPoint Solutions


DAY 1 : 2020 年 8 月 25 日 (火)


Keynote - Integrating Microsoft Office 365 Into Your Modern Workplace

Dr. Kellerman, from the University of New South Wales Engineering faculty, has become the gold standard for integrating Microsoft 365 in the classroom. He will demonstrate how his classroom works along with tips and tricks for how to further integrate Microsoft Office 365 into any work environment. From identifying opportunities to leverage advanced features to changing ingrained user habits, Dr. Kellerman will show big changes are within our reach.

Dr David KellermannDr David Kellermann


現在も続くコロナ禍の影響は私たちの生活様式と経済活動を行う環境に大きなインパクトを与えております。ニューノーマルと言われている現在の状況において、今まで語られてきた「働き方改革」に伴う「IT投資」はコロナ禍以前と同様の意味を持たなくなっているのが現状です。このセッションではコロナ禍に直面した企業が実施すべきIT投資を「Respond」、「Recover」、「Reimagine」の3ステップに定義し、ニューノーマル環境における「働き方改革」の目的を「生産性の向上」と「新しい価値の創造」と位置づけた上で、Microsoft 365やPower Platformの活用方法を紹介いたします。

佐藤 久佐藤 久

Sustainable Microsoft Teams Adoption - What the Smartest Organisations Have Done to Get There

With built-in integration with the full Microsoft 365 stack, it’s easier than ever for end-users to create a team and start collaborating. But if that’s the case, why is your organisation’s user adoption rate for Microsoft Teams so much lower than it is for Outlook? What actually makes up a good Microsoft Teams adoption program? Can you simplify the adoption process? Interested in hearing about what the smartest organisations have done to achieve ongoing success? Join Kirsty McGrath (MVP) for her top tips on successful Teams adoption and hear about simple, sustainable adoption stories from the field.

Kirsty McGrathKirsty McGrath

日本航空、40 TB をかく移行せり! - 脱ファイル サーバー & デジタル ワークプレイスで描くビジョンとは

日本航空では、「働き方改革・コミュニケーションの促進」 を目指し、国内拠点のファイル サーバーに蓄積していた総量 40TB のデータをクラウドに移行するプロジェクトを約 10 カ月で完了させました。今回のセッションでは、日本航空 IT 企画本部の本田親大氏をスピーカーに迎え、「日本航空における IT 部門のミッション」「脱オンプレミス サーバーによって目指したゴール」 から、遠隔地を含む国内拠点からのデータ移行プロジェクトを実施した際のエピソードと得た教訓、ニューノーマル環境における IT 部門の役割等、幅広くお話いただきます。


Beyond Challenging: Proactive Data Strategies in Unprecedented Times of Change

With the outbreak of the COVID-19 global pandemic, organisations across the globe were confronted with multiple challenges all at the same time – how to stay connected, provide data and technical capabilities – all while ensuring the security of their information as well as responsible data practices. While the initial crisis required one set of skills, the evolution of requirements as enterprises begin to pivot from crisis management to the next wave of innovation requires the balancing of innovation with best practices in data management, governance, privacy and security. Dana Simberkoff, AvePoint's Chief Risk, Privacy and Information Security Officer will speak about how to solve data security challenges in an evolving COVID landscape and the importance of having responsible data practices that enable business innovation.

Dana SimberkoffDana Simberkoff

From Shock to the New Normal - How Higher Learning Institutions Survive and Thrive During the Great Disruption

The COVID-19 global pandemic is the black swan event of epic proportions, even the traditionally recession proof industry of higher learning institutions, many with nearly one hundred-year histories, are now severely disrupted and potentially existentially challenged.

However, with great disruption also comes great opportunity for innovation, for positive change, and even opportunities on democratisation of education. In this session, Professor Annie Koh of Singapore Management University and Dr Tianyi (TJ) Jiang of AvePoint will discuss major challenges and real examples of innovation and creativity with major IHLs in Singapore and beyond.

Professor Annie Koh is a renowned conference speaker, panel moderator, and commentator. Professor Koh is Vice President for Business Development, V3 Group Professor of Family Entrepreneurship, and Professor of Finance (practice) at the Singapore Management University (SMU). She is also the Academic Director of the Business Families Institute and International Trading Institute. She has previously held the positions of Associate Dean, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, and Dean, Office of Executive and Professional Education, at SMU.

Dr. Jiang is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of AvePoint. He is now spearheading the AvePoint EduTech initiative, a new SaaS Education Software company founded and headquartered in Singapore.

Professor Annie KohProfessor Annie Koh
(Singapore Management University)

Tianyi (TJ) JiangDr. Tianyi (TJ) Jiang

DAY 2 : 2020 年 8 月 26 日 (水)


The Future of Work and Learning

The future of work is here. The pandemic has accelerated secular trends that are fundamentally changing how, when, and where we work. How can business leaders empower and support their people while creating resilient, thriving organisations? Join Jared Spataro, CVP of Microsoft 365, to learn how Microsoft is reimagining productivity to help our customers succeed in new world of work.

Jared SpataroJared Spataro

From Skype for Business to Teams: Migrating 40,000 accounts in GroupM to a Modern Collaboration and Communication Platform

As a global organisation, GroupM and its various subsidiaries leverage modern communication technology to ensure effective inter-company and inter-country collaboration and communication. As part of this, GroupM embarked on a journey this year to upgrade the existing Skype for Business setup to Microsoft Teams. Not just being a technical upgrade of 40,000+ accounts, one of the goals of this project was to ensure that GroupM’s employees will also be able to fully utilise the new technology and leverage its capabilities.

In this session, Rene Modery, APAC Office 365 Project Manager and Microsoft Office Apps & Services MVP, will share details of this journey, including how the change was managed and communicated to ensure maximum transparency for all stakeholders, and how it was executed in an accelerated timeframe due to this year's Covid-19 situation.

René ModeryRené Modery

Modern Project Management with Microsoft Teams, Planner & To Do

There is an old adage, “if you want something done, ask a busy person.” It certainly seems true that busy people DO get things done – but is it because they’re busy or because they’re good at keeping up with what needs doing? Using Microsoft Teams, To-Do and Planner, Debbie will walk you through a modern approach to task and project management – one that you can start using immediately without any special configuration. Debbie will also provide live examples of how agile project collaboration and management can be achieved. Look at processes to improve your productivity and plan and track team activities.

Debbie IrelandDebbie Ireland
(Microsoft RD)

Empower all users with Microsoft Teams as the Platform

The ability to digitise organisational processes is paramount to increased efficiency. How can you leverage Microsoft Teams as a platform to achieve this effectively?

Learn how your organisation can leverage application extensibility in Microsoft Teams to integrate line of business applications, and meet your users where they're already working! Then hear how Telstra has streamlined their business processes for their field teams by enabling PowerApps integrations into Microsoft Teams, and transformed their workforce productivity.

Sally FaheySally Fahey

Sally FaheyMarcus De Gilio

Sally FaheyNathan Backers

Sally FaheyBrodie Whayman

Sally FaheyDaniel Gray-Hobbs

DAY 3 : 2020 年 8 月 27 日 (木)


Compliance Done Right: Airways New Zealand’s Journey Towards Public Records Compliance in Microsoft Office 365

Starting in 2015, Airways NZ started its move from an aging on-premise infrastructure to the cloud. Although the cloud environment provided Airways NZ with a challenge to ensure electronic records were compliant and meeting Archive New Zealand’s Mandatory Standards for Public Records, they have found a way to achieve it.

In this session, Jenny Ryan, Digital Information Analyst from Airways NZ will share a great deal of what they have learned in their journey towards PRA (Public Records Act 2005) compliance in Microsoft Office 365 and how they managed to craft a solution that met all the ‘must have’ records compliance requirements.

Eric Lam, ACS Engineer from AvePoint will also talk about his experiences working collaboratively with Airways NZ and how he helped translate all their business classification scheme, retention and disposal rules into a solution that is not just “compliant by stealth” but also requires minimal to no user input.

Jenny RyanJenny Ryan
(Airways NZ)

Eric LamEric Lam

Leading Through Change: What Devonport City Council Learnt on Their Journey to Enable True Digital and Cultural Transformation

The global pandemic (COVID-19) has presented unprecedented challenges for federal, state and local governments, who quickly realised that they were not well-equipped with the technology and knowledge to enable a strong digital workforce. Devonport City Council was not one of these organisations thanks to a two-year digital transformation journey they had undertaken.

Jeff Griffith, Deputy General Manager at Devonport City Council will share the story of their journey and what they did to drive digital and cultural transformation. Jeff will also share his insights and learnings about the change required across every aspect of the organisation as they initiated their cloud first strategy.

Alyssa Blackburn, AvePoint's Director of Records and Information Management Strategy will also share actionable recommendations on how to simplify and digitalise records and information management processes for public sector organisations based on an in-depth study of 100+ RM professionals that she commissioned.

Jeffrey GriffithJeffrey Griffith
(Devonport City Council)

Alyssa BlackburnAlyssa Blackburn

When Knowledge Management is no more a Catch Phrase

In a dynamic world predisposed by uncertainties and disruptions, it is more important than ever for successful organisations to deliver trustworthy and easy-to-find information and knowledge to their employees as and when they most need it.

Join Lawrence Ang in this session as he shares his perspectives on effective knowledge management (KM) to the wider business, and what you should consider when developing a KM strategy that is fit-for-purpose for your organisations.

He will also discuss how to develop a corporate culture of knowledge-sharing and collaboration to improve your organisational capabilities for agile and effective decision-making and policy-making.

With over 30 years’ working experience across regions and industries, Lawrence will also share real-life examples of how effective KM programs have contributed to riding waves of business disruptions, ensuring business continuity and mitigating risks.

Lawrence AngLawrence Ang
(CEO, Landz Consulting)

*グローバル企業として、AvePoint は COVID-19 が各地域・国家にもたらしている重大な影響を深く認識しています。被害を受けたコミュニティへの支援として、AvePoint は 2,235 ドルを、WHO の COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund に寄付いたしました。