毫無懸念,推動AvePoint成長的第一動力就是產品創新。 這裡我會解釋為什麼它是核心、我們是誰、我們怎麼做的、公司競爭優勢、最近的創新成果以及目前所面臨的挑戰。
如今,我們是規模最大的Microsoft 365資料管理解決方案供應商,超過700萬雲使用者信賴AvePoint的解決方案,如:Cloud Governance、Cloud Backup、Cloud Records、Policies & Insights等等。
很多公司說起創新是頭頭是道,甚至在技術領域,創新似乎已經成為“陳腔濫調”。 AvePoint選擇堅持走自己的路。下面請您一起見證AvePoint近來所取得的創新成果:
Dr. Tianyi Jiang (TJ) co-founded AvePoint in 2001 and has served as the organization's Chief Executive Officer since 2005. TJ is responsible for overall strategy and direction of AvePoint, which includes product innovation, investor relations, and business development. He is focused on delivering value to customers, partners, shareholders, and the AvePoint team, every day.
A recipient of Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year award in New Jersey in 2010, TJ received both B.S. and master’s in electrical and computer engineering from Cornell University, and a Master of Philosophy and PhD in Data Mining from Department of Information Systems, Operations Management, and Statistics, Stern School of Business, New York University.