Microsoft Viva

Foundations and Building Blocks

Featuring Microsoft and AvePoint experts!

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  • 1 Hour


Dux Raymond Sy

Microsoft RD & MVP and AvePoint Chief Brand Officer

Michael Holste

Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft

Steve Nguyen

Yammer Product Evangelist, Microsoft

Chris McNulty

Sr. Product Manager, Microsoft

Get practical next steps from Microsoft and AvePoint on how you can take steps towards integrating Viva Connections and Topics within your organization.

Microsoft Viva has been announced as the next big thing in Microsoft 365. And we’re excited!

The employee experience platform aims to help organizations meaningfully engage and efficiently upskill employees while taking knowledge management to the next level.

While it is not yet in general availability, there are steps you can take today to be ahead of the curve and make your rollout as smooth as possible.

AvePoint MVP and Regional Director Dux Raymond Sy, along with Microsoft Yammer Product Evangelist Steve Nguyen and Microsoft Senior Product Marketing Manager Mike Holste, will provide a closer look at the Viva platform.

We will also cover how Viva fits and actually further clarifies the “what to use when” conversation in Microsoft 365 to help you illustrate the Viva user journey for your team.

After the big picture look we’ll dive into specifics surrounding Viva Connections and Topics:

  • How Connections and Topics are surfaced within other Microsoft apps.

  • New capabilities and benefits from personalized employee feeds and new ways of gathering employee feedback to smart “when you need it” knowledge management.

  • Cleaning your Azure Active Directory, populating your Yammer topics/hashtags, deploying your SharePoint homepages and other key pre-requisites for an awesome Viva experience.

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