A Quick Overview of the Microsoft Partner Network

Post Date: 04/21/2022
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The Microsoft Partner Network has long been touted as one of the company’s core strengths, but what is it exactly? And, more importantly, what role can it play in helping your organization?

In this episode of P2PNow, we break down what the Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) is comprised of. From helpful resources to the Partner Center to how to register, we’ve got you covered. Feel free to watch the video or read the full transcript below!


Christian: The question for this episode is “What is the Microsoft Partner Network?”

Sam: This is a great topic for us to cover. One of Microsoft’s core strengths has been its Microsoft Partner Network (or MPN) boasting hundreds of thousands of companies of all shapes and sizes, around the world. 

Christian: You’re exactly right. Through the MPN, Microsoft provides tons of resources like case studies and co-marketing tools and templates. Whether your company is an independent software vendor (ISV), a managed service provider (MSP), a reseller, or a distributor, or even if you’re an independent systems integrator just starting out on your own.

Sam: I know that all registered partners have access to these MPN resources (which also include regional zones). So if you’re a consulting partner based in Germany and building out new services around Microsoft Viva, you can find local Microsoft offers, news, and resources for your region as well as other partners in your area to help you build out your network.

Christian: Exactly. MPN includes access to the Partner Zone which provides you access to various forums, group hubs, and partner roadmaps. In some ways, MNP acts as a sister-site to the Partner Center dashboard. So if you ever have questions in Partner Center, the MPN site is a great place to go to try and get answers.

Sam: Does it work like a support site? Is this another place where I can try to get answers to technical issues I might be having internally or with a customer deployment?

Christian: No, it’s not a technical support site. There are technical discussions within some of the forums, but they’re for partner-related topics. 

For example, whenever there’s a change around Microsoft 365 licensing, you can find a healthy discussion within the forums where partners are discussing the changes, sharing impacts to their business, and providing feedback to Microsoft.

Sam: These kinds of community discussions are a great way to quickly get up to speed on the impact of new Microsoft products and programs.

Christian: Exactly. And I’d like to mention membership in the Microsoft Partner Network is free. Just go to partner.microsoft.com to register!

Sam: I highly recommend that all AvePoint partners are also registered Microsoft partners so you have access to all of these free resources and the broader community.

Christian: And if you have not already done so, be sure to join AvePoint’s Partner Program, which you can find at www.avepoint.com/partners.

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An Office Apps & Services MVP and Microsoft Regional Director, Christian Buckley is an internationally recognized author and speaker and runs the community-focused CollabTalk blog, podcast, and tweetjam series.

View all posts by Christian Buckley

Sam Valme is Senior Director of Partner Experience at AvePoint, working out of our Arlington, Virginia office.

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