P2PNow: What is Co-Selling and How Can You Get Started?

Post Date: 01/13/2022
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If given the opportunity, collaborating with Microsoft to sell products and solutions can be one of the best options for your business strategy. Navigating how to get started with co-selling can be a bit daunting, however.

In this episode of P2PNow, we break down what it means to co-sell with Microsoft’s sales team, how the program is structured, and how to get started yourself. We also dive into what it’s been like to co-sell with Microsoft from an AvePoint POV. Let’s jump right into the show!


Christian: The question for this P2PNow episode is: What is co-selling?

More specifically, what is Microsoft’s co-selling program, how does AvePoint participate in the program, and how can our partners get involved?

Sam: I hear this question from partners all the time who want to know more about the P2P motion.

Christian: Let’s start with Microsoft’s perspective on the program:

Co-Selling with Microsoft, simply put, is a collaborative engagement between Microsoft and partners to co-sell an offer, which can include working closely with partners to develop a sales pipeline, sharing sales leads, and ultimately accelerating partner-to-partner sales. As part of their annual sales quotas, Microsoft sellers are incentivized to work with partners and help win partner deals.

For AvePoint, this allows us to have a closer working relationship with Microsoft sales teams around the world. We currently have 20 co-sell ready solutions, with more being added. AvePoint is a global top 10 co-sell partner, and the co-sell program is an integral part of our growth plans.

Sam: How can partners get involved in the co-sell program?

Christian: Great question — and that’s an area where we expect to see tremendous growth as more and more partners ask about the program. For partners, there is a P2P motion where partners can work closely with AvePoint to solve a customer problem. There’s an opportunity for partners to register deals and receive leads through Partner Center as part of the AvePoint partner program.

Sam: There’s a lot more detail around the program, of course, and I’m sure partners will have questions and want to know more. What are three steps partners can take action on immediately?

Christian: First and foremost, they need to make sure they are registered for the AvePoint partner program.

Second, they can talk with their AvePoint PAM, or Partner Account Manager, and let them know their interest in the co-sell program.

And Third, they can become familiar with the current AvePoint co-sell offerings and related sales motions, so that they know which products align with their business.

Sam: Excellent. Thank you for that overview, Christian. As always, to find out more about AvePoint’s Partner Program, visit our website here.

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An Office Apps & Services MVP and Microsoft Regional Director, Christian Buckley is an internationally recognized author and speaker and runs the community-focused CollabTalk blog, podcast, and tweetjam series.

View all posts by Christian Buckley

Sam Valme is Senior Director of Partner Experience at AvePoint, working out of our Arlington, Virginia office.

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