#shifthappens Conference provides you with the tools, insights and best practices to accelerate your digital workplace journey.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to optimize your existing investments, you’ll find the answers you need to take the next step from industry leaders and renowned experts over the course of 48 hours.

Engage with industry experts for best practices and takeaways, sit down with technical authorities on how to bring these strategies into action, or network with business users on how best to support change management and user adoption.

With three major tracks, receptions, guided networking, and more, we guarantee you will find answers to questions such as:

How do I ensure knowledge workers are adopting the digital workplace investments we have in place?
How can I take advantage of the rapid innovation in AI and machine learning to drive my business forward?
How do I take advantage of the data, analytics and insights to track usage of my digital workplace investments and their impact on productivity and efficiency?
In a time when my coworkers can access files and collaborate from anywhere, how I can ensure work can continue during disruptions like natural disasters, pandemics or other crises?
How can I create a digital experience that enables my organization to do more with less – improve productivity while reducing the burden on our IT team?
How can I make sure our SaaS operations are secure, compliant and protect our ever-growing data from unauthorized access?

Whether you’re just interested in the topic, a practitioner, struggling to find the best course of action, at #shifthappens, there will be people who have been where you are or are innovating to help you do it better than they did.

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