Governance and Security User Group

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Event Information


John Peluso

Chief Product Officer, AvePoint

Microsoft 365 governance is a crucial aspect of IT Security & Administration management. Explore the AvePoint solution that aligns IT and Security leaders to streamline workflows, improve data governance, and scale oversight to centralize control over your information assets.

Getting governance right ensures that business-critical data stays under the organization’s control and simultaneously, that employees succeed at their jobs within a given IT Infrastructure.

Agenda section:

Let us help you stay in control of what happens to your data while creating a collaboration infrastructure which allows employees to succeed at their jobs.

What we will cover during the user group:

  • Main Challenges IT administrators and Security teams face when it comes to Microsoft 365 governance and management.
    We will explore challenges that many organisations experience today: lack of centralise monitoring; balancing collaboration flexibility and security, and juggling multiple internal policies.
  •  How to Simplify Workplace Operations with One Trusted Platform
    Automate governance across SaaS apps, manage licensing and budgets, empower users with scalable policies, secure data by controlling access, and protect from cyber threats.
  • How to Centralize Your Workplace Management
    The nature of your workplace is complex and distributed, with data residing in multiple workplace tools. Learn how AvePoint Governance can help you gain actionable insights, automate data governance, and proactively enforce policies across them all.
  • Evolution of AvePoint governance and management platform

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