Top Articles from AvePoint Experts in 2013: Compliance

Post Date: 11/11/2013
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As 2013 comes to a close and 2014 planning continues in full force, now is a great time to look back at the year that was and resurface some insightful content through a weekly blog series entitled “Top Articles from AvePoint Experts in 2013”. Our subject matter experts have been extra busy this year sharing advice, opinions, and proven practices on some of the industry’s most respected publications. This series collects published articles on topics that will help you plan major initiatives for coming year, and the posts will be published every Monday according to the following schedule:

· November 11: Compliance

· November 18: Governance

· November 25: Infrastructure Management

· December 2: Cloud

· December 9: Productivity

· December 16: SharePoint Tips

· December 23: Viewpoints

For this edition, we focus on the topic of compliance. Read excerpts from articles published this year on the topic and follow the links for more. To learn how AvePoint helps ensure information is available and accessible to the people who should have it and protected from the people who should not, be sure to visit our website for more information.

Defining Compliance for Your Organization

By Dana Simberkoff, AvePoint Vice President of Risk Management & Compliance

According to Merriam Webster the dictionary definition of compliance is as follows:

1. The act or process of complying to a desire, demand, proposal, or regimen, or to coercion

2. Conformity in fulfilling official requirements

3. A disposition to yield to others

4. The ability of an object to yield elastically when a force is applied

While regulatory compliance for businesses around the world most clearly falls under the second definition, there are many records managers, general councils, and policy officers that would nod their heads in agreement at any of the other definitions as well. So, what really is compliance? To read more of this article, please visit our AIIM expert blog.

Assessing Risk: Is Your Compliance Plan up to the Test?

By Dana Simberkoff

In today’s marketplace, almost every employee is now a content contributor. This influx of new content, however, brings about new risks: Legal systems worldwide are clamping down and demanding greater compliance, particularly on IT systems, making it essential that organizations quickly implement compliance and risk management protocols.

So how do we balance the business benefit of the free flow of information with the risk of inappropriate access and/or disclosure? To read more of this article, please visit our AIIM expert blog.

Ensuring Compliance: Information Types Your Organization Should Be Concerned About

By Dana Simberkoff

Information placed on the internet and available publicly or within enterprise collaboration systems can be used in unintended ways regardless of the original intent. This is true for public sector organizations, businesses, and individuals. All enterprise organizations collect and manage sensitive information from many sources – their own employees, customers, vendors, business partners or other businesses, government agencies, and even competitors. To read more of this article, please visit our AIIM expert blog.

Information Security Checklist: Best Practices for SharePoint Security

By Robert Yonaitis, AvePoint Chief Research Scientist

Everywhere you turn today you hear about various instances of data loss and data breaches, all of which lead to a general sense of data insecurity.

These issues range from loss to theft, or even taking of personal information or corporate trade secrets. There is even frustration being felt when every part of access management seems perfect, but a breach still occurs. To read more of this article, please visit

Are You Ready for 2014 Privacy Act changes?

By Bacchus Van Loo, AvePoint Compliance Solutions Specialist

Unless you have spent the last six months stranded on a deserted island, it is highly probable that you have read that many countries around the world are working to define ways to best manage “private information” in the digital age. In Australia, our revised Privacy Amendment Act will come into effect in March 2014. The new act will, as this author has recently read in the ether, “put some teeth in the toothless tiger”. In other words, it will give Timothy Pilgrim, the Australian Privacy Commissioner, more powers to enforce the 13 Privacy Principles that he and his team will be mandating. To read more of this article, please visit Image and Data Manager.

Protecting Your Legacy Data in the Great Migration to the Cloud

By Dana Simberkoff

For most organisations worldwide, it’s no longer a matter of “if” they will move to the cloud but rather “what” they will put in the cloud. Keeping everything on-premises within the walls of an organisation is unrealistic. Cloud is increasingly a part of more and more IT business strategies, at least judging by the rapid spending on cloud-related services. According to a recent IDC study, public cloud services spending will reach $98 billion USD in 2016, with a compound annual growth rate five times that of the IT industry overall. To read more of this article, please visit Microsoft’s TechNet UK blog.

Managing the Cyber Threat for SharePoint: Balancing Collaboration and Security

By Dana Simberkoff

Organizations worldwide are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to organize and manage enterprise-wide content and knowledge to facilitate collaboration and reduce costs. The immediate draw to Microsoft SharePoint is clear – organizations have the flexibility to incorporate cloud computing into SharePoint environments and empower their decentralized workforce to be productive from anywhere, thereby reducing total cost of ownership and consolidating IT infrastructure. To read more of this article, please visit SharePoint Pro.

In his former role as Director of Communications, Franklin was responsible for increasing brand awareness across all AvePoint's digital properties.

View all posts by Franklin T.
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