New Case Study: Titus Boosts Productivity with AvePoint Meetings for Office 365

Post Date: 04/13/2015
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An electrical systems integrator based in Clarksburg, MD, Titus implemented Microsoft Office 365 solutions including SharePoint Online, Outlook Online, and Project Online to collaborate on company-wide projects. Using the platform, the organization is able to share documents such as site drawings, equipment specifications, and project schedules. The system allows all parties surrounding the organization – including remote workers and clients – to work together more effectively as well as reduce expenses by eliminating on premises infrastructure.

While Office 365 proved to be an effective and cost-saving solution to the business, Titus began to experience specific challenges around keeping information related to project meetings between workers accessible. In order to fill this gap, the company sought a solution in the Microsoft Office Store for SharePoint Online. Titus ultimately chose to implement AvePoint Meetings – a SharePoint app designed to bring order and productivity to meetings while maintaining accountability.

By implementing AvePoint Meetings, Titus was able to:

  • Schedule reoccurring meetings, set agenda items and track attendance, as well as record decisions, proposals, and actions to maintain accountability across the company
  • Save at least two hours per week by accessing full auditing and historical search capabilities for past meetings from one centralized location
  • Fill a productivity gap in its Office 365 collaboration environment, which provides the company with $5,000 in infrastructure savings on an annual basis

You can learn more about Titus’ success by reading the entire case study on our website.

For more on AvePoint Meetings and to download the app for SharePoint Online or SharePoint 2013 today, please visit the product page on our website.

In his former role as Director of Communications, Franklin was responsible for increasing brand awareness across all AvePoint's digital properties.

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