Introducing DocAve Analytics for Microsoft SharePoint

Post Date: 05/29/2013
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​As its name implies, DocAve Analytics for SharePoint is an analytical tool for monitoring various key metrics of your SharePoint deployment. Built on the foundation of our powerful DocAve Report Center module, it is a Windows 8 app that offers at-a-glance reporting on all your most important site collections in a single, centralized view. The interactive Windows Modern UI-inspired tile interface is easy to use and understand, enabling equally convenient navigation on both tablets and PCs. DocAve Analytics Blog Post 05282013.png Each tile on the home screen represents a site collection in the farm. Three figures are displayed by in each: Storage (growth), Hits (visits), and Activity (content views, edits, uploads, and deletions). The figures are color-coded to offer a visual indication of the status of each site collection. Green figures are within the user-defined threshold region, and the yellow ones are in “alert status” – meaning these particular site collections may warrant administrative attention or action. By default, the tiles are ordered alphabetically by name, but you can also sort them by the reporting metrics. You can then click on each tile to access more information on that site collection: · Graphical representations of storage, hits, and activity for trend analysis · Detailed reports for most active and checked-out documents · Time when the site collection was last accessed · SharePoint users in the Site Owners group · Storage quota Business Applicability Microsoft SharePoint has seen enormous growth across enterprise organizations since its introduction in 2001. In most enterprise organizations, accountability of SharePoint Sites is delegated to individuals within the business. Typically, individuals are responsible for ten or more SharePoint Sites within an organization. Out of the box, SharePoint does not provide any overview of all of the SharePoint sites an individual is accountable for; nor is there a way to alert them with the information they require to manage them. DocAve Analytics addresses these pain points by presenting essential usage analytics data in an easily comprehensible dashboard. The dashboard can be customized to show business users the information they require in an instant, thereby allowing them to make important business decisions quickly. For instance, if there is a yellow number with a down arrow for Storage, it might mean that a large number of files were recently deleted and the site owner should investigate the reason behind it. If there is a yellow number with an up arrow for Hits, it means the site collection experienced an above-average number of visits yesterday, perhaps due to a newly deployed Web part or uploaded pictures. Additional Resources For a brief demonstration of the features and functionality of DocAve Analytics in greater depth, please watch the video below: Detailed installation and setup information can be found in Appendix D of the DocAve Report Center User Guide. To provide general feedback on the app or get technical support, please refer to the DocAve Analytics forum of the Discussion Boards.
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