AvePoint tyGraph - Analytics for SharePoint Intranet

In-product SharePoint analytics get you the usage and activity data you need to optimize performance, improve user experience, and boost adoption so your employees feel more engaged.

Analytics for sharepoint intranet hero
Measure analyze and optimize your share Point intranet

Measure, Analyze and Optimize Your SharePoint Intranet

SharePoint sites are a gateway to the digital workplace, serving as collaborative knowledge management hubs for employees. They are designed to drive user experience and retention, regardless of how and where the user is accessing the resources.

But how do you understand how your sites are performing and how users are accessing and engaging with your content?

In-Product, In-Context, In-Time SharePoint Analytics

Robust intranet analytics

Robust Site Analytics

Monitor usage patterns and measure user adoption with heat-map technology and drill downs by browser or device usage.

Data driven decisions

Data-driven Decisions

Access engagement reports analyzing the value of content and page navigation for a proactive approach to content generation.

Powerful performance

Powerful Performance

Deliver the best user-experience possible through data visualizations and metrics embedded into existing SharePoint sites.

Embedded share Point analytics

Deliver a Modern Intranet for a Modern Workforce

Embedded SharePoint Analytics

AvePoint tyGraph embeds web parts within existing SharePoint sites to give SharePoint administrators and portal owners easy access to cohesive and contextualized insights that help accelerate employee engagement.

Ensure GDPR compliance

Lightweight and GDPR-compliant, AvePoint tyGraph enables you to measure your audience without exposing Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Purpose-built for SharePoint

Unlike generic web analytics solutions, AvePoint tyGraph is purpose-built for Microsoft 365 users’ analysis of SharePoint Intranet activity.

Glean actionable insights

AvePoint tyGraph goes beyond first-party SharePoint analytics reporting to drive better decisions about navigation and content strategy.


Quick configuration

Quick Configuration

Get up and running quickly with easy sign-up, installation, and configuration.

In product analytics

In-product Analytics

Access the analytics you need without ever having to leave your SharePoint site.

Heat mapping

Heat Mapping

Quickly visualize high and low-traffic areas across your links and navigation.

Long range reporting

Long Range Reporting

View key hub, site, and page metrics over time, with up to 1 year of historical data.

Enable self service

Enable Self Service

Empower site owners through a library of available reports specific to their sites.

Your data your choice

Your Data, Your Choice

Choose whether to obfuscate user data, based on your organizational requirements.

Support for all

Support for All

Understand which platform visitors are using to consume content.

Get engaged

Get Engaged

Understand which links, buttons, and web parts create the most engagement.

Takeda logos

The insights we gleaned from tyGraph helped us identify what was needed and what was not. By getting rid of redundant, outdated data and focusing our time and energy on recreating and designing used and relevant content, we were able to create a far better user experience in the new tenant.

Dave Feldman

Head of Digital Workplace Delivery, Takeda

View the Case Study
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Checklist: 10 Metrics Every SharePoint Admin Should Monitor

Learn how to level up your intranet with insights into SharePoint usage and adoption.

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