4 New Ways to Backup Salesforce CRM Data with DocAve

Post Date: 09/06/2016
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AvePoint is excited to announce our latest features added to DocAve to help you overcome Salesforce’s own native data protection limitations! Building on our promise to provide a solution that can backup Salesforce and comprehensively restore all your data, we’re introducing four new ways to secure your customer data.

1.  Recover and Backup Salesforce Metadata

When it comes to data protection, having full fidelity backup Salesforce solutions for record data, attachments, and metadata is important to ensure you can fully recovery from a disaster. Metadata is especially crucial, as it can include email templates, apex code, custom object definitions, and workflows. Native backup options fail to restore or backup Salesforce records, objects, or Salesforce instances with full fidelity. With the latest release of DocAve Backup for Salesforce, metadata backup is now possible.

Backup Salesforce Metadata

Backup Salesforce jobs now include Metadata which can be exported from the History screen.

*Note: restoring metadata requires the Salesforce tool Force.com IDE to allow third party restore of metadata.

2. Out-of-Place Restore

Up until now, DocAve Backup for Salesforce only had the capability to restore data “in place.” This means that data could only be restored to where it was originally backed up from. With the latest release of, we’ve added out-of-place restore functionality. Records can now be restored to any other Salesforce instance that’s connected to your AvePoint Online Services tenant.

This feature can be especially helpful for organizations that are merging two Salesforce organizations, as they can simply upload records from either backup Salesforce instances where it makes most sense in the merged organization. It’s also great for Salesforce administrators who are looking to restore a production backup to a sandbox organization in order to update their customizations based on real data.

Restore Salesforce Metadata

Restore records, objects, or organization  data to any production or standby organization.

3. Sandbox Environment Support

Administrators who value their Salesforce deployments will often test their changes and add-ons in non-production, “sandbox” environments. Now, through the AvePoint Online Services console, Salesforce sandbox organizations can be registered to be used by DocAve Backup for Salesforce. This allows administrators and developers to be able to continue developing new line of business applications and configurations in Salesforce in a sandbox environment that includes production data restored from a DocAve backup.

Backup Salesforce Sandbox

Add your Salesforce Sandbox Environment to an AvePoint Online Services app profile to be included in your backups.

4. Record Restore Improvements

In this update, we’ve included improvements to our restore process to better meet your recovery time objective (RTO) service level agreements. We call this feature “object-based restore”. Administrators can use this new feature to search for a record to restore and the solution will display Salesforce backup jobs in which the record resides. Now, you can find records to restore no matter when they were backed up.

Restore Salesforce Records

Find records to restore faster by searching for a record name first.

 AvePoint Online Services Feedback and Support Integration

In addition to providing more robust backup and restore features, we also integrated added the same Feedback and Invite Support features that our customers utilize in our other AvePoint Online Services products. Customers can now keep in touch with product and support teams faster than ever. By uploading screenshots and in-context details for a clearer picture on their issue, both ends can achieve a faster resolution time.

Backup Salesforce with AvePoint Online Services

Start a support web ticket easily from within the DocAve Backup for Salesforce interface.

Learn more about DocAve Backup for Salesforce!

Visit our site to learn how you can save your organization from a standstill with complete backup and recovery of your Salesforce data–or try our tool today, free of charge for 30 days!

backup salesforce

Eric is a former Vice President of Marketing at AvePoint. In that role, Eric was responsible for the strategy, creation, and execution of all messaging, positioning, Go-To-Market activities, and integrated marketing campaigns for the AvePoint software portfolio.

View all posts by Eric Burniche
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