How Mercury IT Successfully Backed Up Over 350GB of Office 365 Data

Post Date: 04/05/2019
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Case Study: Mercury IT

Critical Needs

  • Backup +350 GB of Office 365 data, focusing on SharePoint and Teams
  • A more feature rich backup solution
  • The ability to restore files deleted for more than 30 days


Cloud Backup

Success Highlights

  • Successfully backing up +350 GB of Office 365 data
  • Reduced time spent managing cloud backup by 2-3 hours a week

“Overall experience with AvePoint has been really good, I will definitely be recommending them to other clients.”

–Jason Nguyen, Technical Engineer Mercury IT

The Challenge

Mercury IT is all-in Office 365 with its employees leveraging SharePoint and Microsoft Teams daily to do their work. As a result, the organization’s Office 365 tenant has quickly grown to include more than 350 GB of data critical to the business.

Backing up this valuable business data was not an option, but Mercury quickly found their current Office 365 solution was “too basic” for their needs. Office 365 didn’t have much advance option in terms of settings and scheduling backups and flexibility of choosing what content to backup.

Their previous tool did not allow them to disable users and only kept users emails for 30 days.

The team decided to acquire an Office 365 backup solution, with the ability to backup advanced workloads being one of the leading requirements.

The AvePoint Solution

AvePoint Cloud Backup came highly recommended not only for its support of Exchange, Teams, OneDrive, Planner, and SharePoint but also for its ability to backup advanced workloads such as Nintex workflows, design elements, Project Online, and the interconnected applications in Office 365 Groups.

“My colleague, Scott came across AvePoint from a client recommendation. We started working with AvePoint and everything went along well,” said Mercury IT Technical Engineer, Jason Nguyen.

Jason and his team set up three daily automatic backups: one in the morning, one midday, and another after work hours. With the backups in place, AvePoint Cloud Backup was able to save Mercury’s IT team a significant amount of time.

“We have saved a lot of time, it adds up to several hours each week,” said Nguyen.

The Bottom Line

Mercury IT is a technology services provider to businesses across Australia.

With the company so pleased with their experience with AvePoint Cloud Backup, Mercury IT anticipates recommending the solution to their clientele.

“Our overall experience with AvePoint has been really good. Everything is user-friendly and
straight-forward. I will definitely be recommending them to other clients who are required to back up in Office 365,” said Jason.

Using AvePoint solutions, Mercury IT is now able to disable unnecessary users plus archive users’ emails for longer than 30 days.

Mercury IT

About Mercury IT

Mercury IT was established in 2004 to fill a market gap created by IT companies they felt were too focused on supplying products, rather than quality service. They are a technology company that offers a comprehensive range of services to large and small Australian businesses—regardless of their industry.

Read the full case study here

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