Information Lifecycle: Go from Start to Finish with Your End Users

Post Date: 08/16/2018
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Do you want to make sure you’re all caught up on SharePoint in time for Microsoft Ignite? Be sure to sign up for our free webinar hosted by Dux Raymond Sy on Friday, August 17 at 12:00pm EST.


Today’s technology means there is no need to interrupt end users in order to achieve compliance. By developing classification and retention rules that eliminate extra effort from end users to declare records, it’s possible for information managers to start managing from the point of creation, by stealth. This means the technology works around users, rather than users working around the technology.

This approach applies to all information sources, but it is most beneficial to start with the riskiest systems, like collaboration tools. From there, a framework can be established where content is created, classified, distributed, used, archived, and then disposed of according to the organization’s needs.


Start the records management process as soon as information is created to reduce demands on end users and improve efficiency across the organization. By using flexible technology to define a clear lifecycle that’s evident from the moment content is created, the organization’s information will be tidier and more streamlined.

This makes it easier for users to search for and find the data they need by automatically and regularly removing redundant information to ensure consistency when metadata is applied. This means there is less system ‘noise’ for end users to deal with when searching for or accessing information as this consistent and reliable metadata can be used for everything from workflows to information aggregation.

If you want to learn more about records management in Office 365, check out our free eBook, “Best Practices Guide: Records Management for the Digital Era.”


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Spenser Bullock is a former AvePoint Channel Solutions Engineer, focused on enabling partners and their customers to utilize and maximize their Microsoft 365 technology adoption and usage.

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