Why Third-Party Tools Are Ideal for Microsoft 365 Records Management

Post Date: 05/18/2021
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This is the fourth excerpt taken from our “Microsoft 365 Records Management Roadmap” ebook. You can find the others below:

Many sectors and regions are facing stricter government regulations and industry standards when it comes to achieving compliance during digital transformation initiatives. That means there is more pressure than ever for information managers. With regulations that change frequently, more opportunities for potential litigation, and devastating fines for non-compliance, managing information correctly is essential (even with accelerated timelines for implementing digital transformation).

Despite the careful planning and strategies used to migrate to Microsoft 365, some additional tools may be required to achieve compliance from a records management point of view. In the following table, we’ve outlined some of the common compliance requirements that heavily regulated companies might face, along with the out-of-the-box features in Microsoft 365.

microsoft 365microsoft 365microsoft 365

Third-party tools like AvePoint Cloud Records enable information managers to define the appropriate term in a file plan or classification scheme and apply them to content. This means information is automatically designated for capture, retrieval, maintenance, disposal, and preservation of records in Office 365 from a single interface.

In addition to making the tasks associated with classification and taxonomy more streamlined, the single interface also allows information managers to oversee the process from start to finish, removing any declaration and classification burdens for end users.

With AvePoint Cloud Records, information managers can also establish business rules and set actions to manage how and when preservation and disposal activities are implemented. Rules can be based on a variety of criteria, from date to metadata, to type of action. To ensure the rules are enacted in ways that best meet the needs of the organization, these business rules can be applied automatically or manually. Multiple rules can also be applied to terms in your classification scheme or file plan, allowing an information manager to build out a lifecycle for the content to follow.

For advice on digitizing physical records be sure to download the full “Microsoft 365 Records Management Roadmap” ebook here.

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As the former Content Marketing Specialist for AvePoint, Brent led the strategy and direction of all AvePoint's blog properties.

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