#ChewNChat Video: Mongolian Hot Pot, #SharePoint Customizations, & Transitioning Users to #MicrosoftTeams

Post Date: 02/15/2019
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The Mongolian hot pot is believed to have originated in Mongolia about 800 to 900 years ago. The original ingredients only included meat and broth. As the popularity of the dish spread throughout China, many regions customized the dish to make it unique to them. Customizing the hot pot to fit your own preference is still very much a part of the tradition today!

Speaking of all the delicious ways you can customize the flavor of Mongolian hot pots, the SharePoint Team just announced that you can now customize your SharePoint pages to your needs. Mongolian hot pot is also great for today since it’s No One Eats Alone Day!

Make sure your Skype for Business users aren’t left behind either! I, along with Pouneh Kaufman from Microsoft and Tom Arbuthnot from Modality Systems will be hosting a webinar on sunsetting Skype for Business and transitioning users to Microsoft Teams. Make sure you register today!

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With over 20 years of business and technology experience, Dux has driven organizational transformations worldwide with his ability to simplify complex ideas and deliver relevant solutions. He serves as the Chief Brand Officer of AvePoint who has authored the LinkedIn Learning course How to Build Your Personal Brand, the book SharePoint for Project Management, as well as numerous whitepapers and articles. As a public speaker, Dux has delivered engaging, interactive presentations to more than 25,000 people at leading industry events around the world. He also hosts the modern workplace podcast #shifthappens that focuses on how leading organizations navigated their business transformation journey. Dux advocates tirelessly for inclusion, using technology for good, and philanthropic initiatives. Connect with him: http://dux.sy

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