How to Submit and How to Approve a Governance Automation Online Service Request

Post Date: 09/06/2017
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How to submit a Governance Automation Online service request

Step 1: In order for a business user to submit a Governance Automation Online service request, they navigate to the Governance Automation Online app and select ‘start a request’.

Step 2: After selecting start a request, they will be able to scroll and see the different categories of the different services that are available. For this example, the user is requesting a new Office 365 group.

Step 3: Then select ‘user group request’. This will open the request form. What the user sees in the request form will be determined, in part, by settings within both the policy and the service as configured in Governance Automation Online. Then enter a request summary, which provides some information to the approver about why they are submitting that request. Additional notes can be added if desired as well.

Step 4: For this example, then determine whether you want the group to be public or private. One of these will be the default option depending on what your settings were as a part of the service. Then, continue entering your settings. Whomever is currently logged in to the service will be the default primary group contact. Then, select a secondary group contact depending on your configuration. The user may then start manually selecting group members if your configuration allows for that.

Step 5: Under ‘Office 365 Group Policy’, you will see the actual policy that will be applied to the site collection. This is the Governance Automation Online policy for creating this particular group and all the settings that go along with that. Then enter your group name, group ID, and optional group description.

Step 6: At this point, you can save your request as a draft and come back to it later, or, if everything is set up how you want it, select ‘save and submit’. Once the submission is complete, the approver, as defined within the approval process, will get a notification email to say “you have a new task that’s in place. You now need to go take a look at that, review it and decide if you want to approve that or not. For the end user, under their ‘my requests’ list, they can see the status of their existing requests.

How to approve a Governance Automation Online request for service

Once a business user has submitted a service request through Governance Automation Online, the person or persons assigned as the approver for that request will receive notifications in the form of an email. A link in that email will take them out to AvePoint Online Services to be able to approve or deny the request or they can also go to SharePoint Online and navigate to the Governance Automation Online app and click on ‘view to-do list’.

Once in your to-do list, you will see a list of all your currently active requests. You will see who submitted the request and the request’s status, among others.

Step 1: Select the request you wish to approve. Selecting your request will bring to a page that gives you certain information about the request, such as the request summary and notes to approvers. This is one reason why it’s so important to fill in these fields as a requester. If a business user doesn’t provide enough information, the approver may look at it and say, “normally, I’d be okay with this, but I’m not sure why.” You can then see the requester, associated department, when it was modified, status, etc.

Step 2: If everything from the previous page looks good, click ‘approve’ at the top left corner of the page. The business user will then receive a notification that his or her request has been approved is being processed. If you feel a request doesn’t necessarily fall into your area, you can reassign the request, or reject the request completely if necessary, which will immediately cancel the request.

Step 3: After clicking approve, you can then leave comments if you so choose, then select ‘ok’. The request will then be removed from your to-do list.

Sabrina is our Vice President of Customer Success, responsible for ensuring product adoption that drives customer success, engagement and retention.

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