Accelerate Modern Teamwork Success in APAC with Microsoft Teams

Post Date: 10/29/2018
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Want to get the most out of your Microsoft Teams environment? Watch our free webinar on-demand “Supercharging Microsoft Teams With NEW SharePoint Features” here!

Hey Friends! One thing I’ve noticed as I’ve been traveling and talking to organizations across the world is the intense interest in all things Microsoft Teams.

It makes sense, right? Its both relatively new and extremely popular. In fact, Microsoft has said Microsoft Teams is their fastest growing business app of all time. Gartner predicts (paywalled link) that Microsoft Teams will be as prevalent as Outlook.

I’ve gotten some great questions like:

  • What’s the difference between an Office 365 Group and a Team? How are they related?
  • What is the best way to manage permissions? How should we deal with external sharing?
  • How do we address potential sprawl when every user can create a Team/Group by default?
  • What is the best approach to lifecycle management?
  • What communication tool should we use when?
  • How do we drive adoption?

For answers, check out this blog post: Q&A: The Top 5 Microsoft Teams Challenges

These are important questions and show that most organizations are doing their due diligence to ensure they set up the tool correctly for their unique needs. It also shows that many organizations see the value in how Teams, Office 365 and the cloud can positively impact organizational culture and productivity.

Need advice on how to use Teams to work better with colleagues in the APAC region? Check out this article: Click To Tweet

Microsoft Teams is a Must-Have Tool for Asia Pacific Knowledge Workers

AvePoint recently sponsored an IDC study “Information Management: Transforming For the Digital Era to Retain Competitive Relevance” which uncovered some findings that show why a solution like Teams is so important.

Did you know that Asia Pacific knowledge workers:

  • Spend 1/6th of their time searching for information?
  • Don’t find the information they need 44% of the time?
  • Each week spend 1/10th of their time consolidating and analyzing information from different sources and repositories?

That’s a huge drain on productivity! Based on these estimates knowledge workers spend 11.6 hours per week on activities related to trying to find information rather than achieving a desired outcome. That’s almost like getting a day and a half taken out of your work week. Imagine how much you could do with that kind of time on your hands!

So, what’s the solution? Enter Microsoft Teams!

Teams changes the game by placing more context around data particularly the rapid informal communication and document collaboration that takes place daily in a one stop shop. Persistent chats file conversations under particular categories or projects to make finding and recalling that information easier than ever before. All files and apps that you need can be consolidated within the structure of a team (powered by a SharePoint site).

Next Stop: Singapore and Hong Kong!

My next stops on my international tour are in Hong Kong and Singapore where I’ll be delivering free workshops on How To Ensure Operational Governance for Microsoft Teams. I’m also excited to announce that one of the first senior engineers who worked on the launch of Teams, Dan Stevenson, will be joining me for the Hong Kong workshop!

To provide a bit of background on myself, I have a long history working with Microsoft technologies. I started as a developer and a programmer in the 1990s and wrote the book on using SharePoint for Project Management.

Today, I’m one of 150+ Microsoft Regional Directors worldwide that provides me the great opportunity to meet with organizations globally and speak at industry events about the value of Microsoft 365 as a universal toolkit for modern teamwork.

I’m excited to be traveling to two of my favorite areas as part of our Teams workshop. As many readers from APAC region already know, AvePoint is committed to the Asia market, and has been for a long time. AvePoint has been established locally and thriving (Japan in 2008, Singapore in 2009 – a decade!), serving customers with their local knowledge and global strength. And just don’t take my word for it; Singapore just received an honor as a Microsoft Singapore Partner of the Year for ISV.

But why Hong Kong and Singapore among all those countries, you might ask. Easy – those two places are key technology leaders in the region.

Hong Kong anticipates its GDP from digital products and services created through the use of digital technologies like the cloud to increase from about 5 percent in 2017 to 60 percent of its GDP in 2021 according to a recent IDC study. Singapore anticipates 210,000 information, communication, and media sector workers by 2020. You can see how much making important digital transformation happen means to those two.

Webinar: Check out Dux discussing How To Accelerate Your Office 365 Migration and Success

And what is the key to make that important happen? Microsoft Teams, of course. With Skype for Business being merged into Teams, it is now regarded as the core functionality of collaboration in Office 365.

The subtitle of the workshop is “Ready or Not Microsoft is Changing the Way You Work” is incredibly appropriate. Just like the cloud, Teams adoption is inevitable.

Smart organizations will figure out how to implement and govern it to give themselves a competitive advantage to attract and engage talent. If you are in the area I encourage you to sign up and say hi. I can’t wait to hear your questions!

Till next time!

Like what you read? Be sure to subscribe to our blog for more expert content on Microsoft Teams.

With over 20 years of business and technology experience, Dux has driven organizational transformations worldwide with his ability to simplify complex ideas and deliver relevant solutions. He serves as the Chief Brand Officer of AvePoint who has authored the LinkedIn Learning course How to Build Your Personal Brand, the book SharePoint for Project Management, as well as numerous whitepapers and articles. As a public speaker, Dux has delivered engaging, interactive presentations to more than 25,000 people at leading industry events around the world. He also hosts the modern workplace podcast #shifthappens that focuses on how leading organizations navigated their business transformation journey. Dux advocates tirelessly for inclusion, using technology for good, and philanthropic initiatives. Connect with him:

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