#ChewNChat Video: KFC, #MicrosoftTeams Workshop Paris & #SPFESTDC

Post Date: 04/04/2019
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The “ChewNChat” series is broken into the following categories. Click on one to see the full list of articles in that category:

Korean fried chicken differs from typical American fried chicken because it’s fried twice, making the skin crunchier and less greasy. Furthermore, Korean-style chicken does not have the crusty nubs that are commonly associated with American fried chicken; it is instead described as having a thin, crackly and almost transparent crust. Korean fried chicken restaurants also typically use small-to-medium-sized chickens, ultimately resulting in more tender meat. Pickled radishes, beer, and soju are also often served with Korean fried chicken.

Speaking of being fried twice, we have two Microsoft Teams adoption workshops happening that you can’t miss! The first one we have is the Microsoft Teams adoption workshop in Paris on April 16. I will also have a Microsoft Teams adoption presentation at this year’s SharePoint Fest DC. Check it out and see what other sessions are going on!

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With over 20 years of business and technology experience, Dux has driven organizational transformations worldwide with his ability to simplify complex ideas and deliver relevant solutions. He serves as the Chief Brand Officer of AvePoint who has authored the LinkedIn Learning course How to Build Your Personal Brand, the book SharePoint for Project Management, as well as numerous whitepapers and articles. As a public speaker, Dux has delivered engaging, interactive presentations to more than 25,000 people at leading industry events around the world. He also hosts the modern workplace podcast #shifthappens that focuses on how leading organizations navigated their business transformation journey. Dux advocates tirelessly for inclusion, using technology for good, and philanthropic initiatives. Connect with him: http://dux.sy

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