Single view of Microsoft 365 adoption

Amidst an uncertain economic climate, executives are being asked to minimize costs and maximize efficiency. For IT leaders, this means managing their tech stack more efficiently, optimizing existing IT investments, and minimizing underutilization.

Understand the long-term impact of your organization's Microsoft 365 investment with tyGraph's robust analytics for Teams, Viva Engage (Yammer), SharePoint, Exchange, and OneDrive. Low-friction dashboards enable you to centralize reporting and easily share licensing, adoption, and usage insights with stakeholders.

Long Range Perspective

Organizational change can take weeks or months to manifest. Measure active and engaged users over 1-2 years rather than being limited by 90-day canned experiences.

SharePoint, As Far As The Eye Can See

Survey your SharePoint real estate with organization-wide views of your SharePoint connected sites, storage, adoption, audiences, and top content.

In-Context Audience Analytics

Understand how specific areas of the business are behaving, segmenting adoption by a range of elements like, role, region, hierarchy, license, and Microsoft 365 groups.

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Your path to Microsoft Teams maturity

While Microsoft Teams has revolutionized the way organizations collaborate, a platform that shoulders so much of the daily workload is sure to draw questions and scrutiny. With tyGraph, you can provide data-driven answers and distribute insights out to the people who need them most.

Time Spent in Meetings

See how much time your organization spends in meetings, and find out whether trends vary by region, department, or office.

Internal/External Collaboration

As meetings often occur outside the organization, understand what external collaboration looks like across different areas of the business.

Average Meeting Size

Make informed recommendations about investments in meeting rooms, conferencing systems, and calling plans by looking at your organization's average meeting size broken down by functional area.

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Licensing insights that aren’t lackluster

Microsoft 365 licensing decisions can be challenging - especially when you don't know who's using what features. You may have high adoption of a license, but how can you be sure it wasn't only for a short term project or it isn't just being used by a vocal minority?

With tyGraph, you can access robust analytics that compare purchased licenses versus actual usage patterns. Quickly spot areas where licenses aren't being used to their full potential. Then, identify opportunities to launch a targeted campaign aimed at increasing adoption and usage.

Getting the most for frontline

Frontline workers using WhatsApp, WeChat, Messenger, or other platforms pose a liability to security best practices. View F1 users' adoption patterns and tailor change management campaigns to fit their needs.

Common sense approach to conferencing

Microsoft Teams audio conferencing licenses can provide a critical dial-in experience to users without a WiFi or data connection, but how often is that used and by whom? Find out where these licenses are needed most.

Long range view of licensing

It can be difficult to see the change in licenses over time, especially as users come and go. Track the full history of license assignment (down to the user level) so you can see the full story going back years.

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Consolidated view

A single perspective of Microsoft 365 adoption for all areas of the business.

Long-range lens

It can takes weeks or months for companies to see the benefits of change. Don’t let short term data discourage you, let tyGraph tell your story over time.

Understand your audiences

Adoption and usage varies by business area. Have the flexibility to tell that story no matter what country, department or region is being analyzed.

Holistic view of SharePoint

See the entirety of your SharePoint tenant including Microsoft Teams and Viva Engage (Yammer) connected sites.

PII obfuscation

Access, search, and restore entities and records for targeted rollback based on properties, including content owner, date created, and modified.

Call insights

Have the answers to drive Microsoft Teams maturity with insights into call performance, and time spent in meetings.

Licensing and adoption together

Compare licenses to adoption side by side for a no-nonsense perspective of ROI and adoption opportunities

Licensing specifics

Transactional history on licenses by user and day mean that you have the full history of your licensing strategy down to the person.


Tell your IT adoption story.

Make the most of your Microsoft 365 investment with tyGraph.