Checking the remaining EBS stubs in a specific content database

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KB Article ID: 11279

Product: DocAve 6 Suite
Product Version:
SharePoint Version: 2007


If you want to check for the remaining EBS stubs in a specific content database, you can use one of the following SQL query commands:

SELECT DeleteTransactionId,* from AllDocs where (Docflags&65536)<>0
SELECT DeleteTransactionId,* from AllDocVersions where (Docflags&65536)<>0
You need to execute the two commands above at the same time.

  • If there are no records in the results, it means there are no EBS stubs existing in the content database.
  • If there are records in the results, it means there are still EBS stubs existing in the content database. You can find the name of the corresponding documents in the leafName column.
  • In the results, check the value of column Delete TransactionId for the records. If the value is 0x, it means those stubs are normal stubs.
  • If the value of some records is not 0x, it means those corresponding stubs have been deleted into the SharePoint recycle bin.
  • If you encounter this issue, please contact AvePoint Technical Support at Please be sure to reference this KB Article ID.