Expanding a node Report Center’s Farm Explorer causes GUI freeze and error message

Search and filter

KB Article ID: 11309

Product: Report Center
Product Version:
SharePoint Version: 2007,2010,2010 SP1



Within the Report Center module, when attempting to load a node within Farm Explorer within Infrastructure Reports, the node beings to load, but then the DocAve GUI subsequently freezes.
After a few minutes, an error message appears with the following message: Index: 0, Size: 0. If you select OK on the error message, the DocAve GUI unfreezes, but the node you wanted to expand will not open.
This issue occurs if there is a large amount of data in the selected node. When attempting to query the data, the GUI freezes and a timeout occurs.
If you encounter this issue, please contact AvePoint Technical Support at support@avepoint.com. Please be sure to reference this KB Article ID.