Identify and Respond to Violations with DocAve Administrator

Don't just cross your fingers and rely on trust, ensure user compliance with an automated solution.

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Virtual lab docave administrator policy enforcer

Event Information

  • 30 Minutes


Jeffrey Thai

Solutions Architect

Does your end-user compliance come down to trust or a guarantee?

DocAve Administrator gives you secured control and automated monitoring over rules, violations, and incidents; once implemented to an on-premise, Office 365-hosted, or hybrid environment, IT can relax and focus on other business-critical needs.

That’s right! Once your permissions and settings have been defined, utilize the Policy Enforcer feature to scan settings, security, and configurations around the clock.

Rather than burdening a team with unexpected and reactive complications, rely on our tool to automatically adjust permissions, identify broken inheritance, and report on incidents & violations.

In this 30 minute demonstration, we will teach you everything you need to know to have Policy Enforcer fully implemented.

  • SharePoint Monitoring

    Scan and monitor settings, security, and configurations with our event-driven rules, or by building your own

  • Real-Time Violation Response

    Identify violations, immediately block those actions, and notify accountable owners

  • Auto-Repair

    Automatically revise SharePoint configurations and security settings with the parameters specified in your policies

  • Reporting

    Email summary reports of all violations that occur within a defined period

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