Simplifying the Switch with AvePoint CRM Migration Manager for Dynamics CRM

Post Date: 03/14/2013
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​Over the past eight months, I have seen AvePoint Solutions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM go from an intangible idea, which you might hear about should you stroll by an AvePoint conference room at the right time, to a compelling product offering that provides value to any organization using the platform. In addition to any organization using Dynamics CRM, our product line makes a strong case for organizations not using Dynamics CRM to consider making the switch. That is where AvePoint CRM Migration Manager for Dynamics CRM comes into the picture. With our Productivity Suite and Timeline products alleviating inherent Dynamics pain points and allowing for some helpful data aggregation, it's only right to make it easier for organizations to adopt the platform. AvePoint experienced this challenge firsthand. Formerly on Salesforce CRM, AvePoint faced a challenging migration to Dynamics CRM and witnessed the need for a tool to simplify this process. This challenge sparked the idea for CRM Migration Manager. Our tool empowers organizations to dramatically reduce the time and cost of a migration from Salesforce CRM to Dynamics CRM by automating what is otherwise a largely manual process. Figure 1: AvePoint Migration Manager for Dynamics CRM As a project manager, the one thing I value more than anything else in a project is simplicity. That is exactly what CRM Migration Manager offers. In beta testing, our tool reduced what would have been a two week migration to two days. This reduction in downtime minimizes organizational impact and simplifies the scheduling of the migration as well. Give me a tool that reduces the margin for error, lowers cost, and reduces the span of the project and I’ll give you a successful project with a happy project manager. I think the most attractive aspect of CRM Migration Manager, however, is that it can be used to proactively engage customers. Whereas most migration tools are waiting for customers to reach out with a migration need, our tool offers the ability to display an organization's data within Dynamics CRM prior to the actual migration. In most cases, a proof of concept like this would require a full migration and could take a week or more. CRM Migration Manager can do this overnight. This gives organizations the ability to reach out to their Salesforce CRM users and get the migration conversation started rather than waiting for it happen organically. Back that up with data and end-user productivity optimization offered by the rest of our new products and you have an excellent case to make the switch to Dynamics CRM. If you’re attending Microsoft Dynamics Convergence 2013 next week, be sure to visit us at booth 617 and let us show you how simple your Dynamics CRM migration can be.
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